Journal Papers
🗎Sharma, S., Karabchevsky, A., Shailendra K. Varshney, S. K., 2025. Accidental BICs and Chiroptical Response of Hollow Channels in Silicon Nanodisk Resonator-Based Metasurfaces for Chiral Sensing, ACS Applied Optical Materials.
🗎Melnikova, E., Pantsialeyeva, Y., Gorbach, D., Tolstik, A., Karabchevsky, A., 2024. Tunable Liquid Crystal Twisted-Planar Fresnel Lens for Vortex Topology Determination, Laser & Photonics Reviews, 2401006.
🗎Novikova, A., Katiyi, A., Karabchevsky, A., 2024. Silicon rib Waveguide with Palladium coated gold nanorods overlayer for Hexane and N-Methylaniline detection, Optics & Laser Technology, 176.
🗎Navitskaya, R., Stashkevich, I., Derevyanko, S., Karabchevsky, A., 2024. Simulation of spatial rogue waves in actively Q-switched solid-state laser with transverse mode locking, Optics & Laser Technology, 171.
🗎Novikova, A., Katiyi, A., Karabchevsky, A., 2024. Nature-inspired anti-reflective texturization for solar energy applications, Advanced Materials Technologies, 9 (2), 2470009
🗎Shor Peled, M. H., Morozko, F., Novitsky, A., Maioli, P., Karabchevsky, A., 2024. Ultrashort pulsed beam induced nanoparticles displacement trajectories via optical forces in symmetrical and symmetry-breaking systems, Optics & Laser Technology, 168.
🗎Novikova, A., Katiyi, A., Sheintop, U., Zhang, M., Wang, P., Karabchevsky, A., 2023. Hollow-Micropillared Glass Fabricated on Hollow Joe Pye Weed-Inspired Tubes for Detecting Molecular Signatures, Advanced Materials Technologies, 9(2), 2301245.
🗎Morozko, F., Novitsky, A., Mikhalychev, A., Karabchevsky, A., 2023. On-chip polarization-encoded single-qubit gates with twisted waveguides, Physical Review Research, 5(4), 043155.
🗎Karabchevsky, A., 2023. Ultra-broadband spectrometer on a chip of picometer scale resolution, Light: Science & Applications, 12.
🗎Karabchevsky, A., 2023. Perovskite beyond solar: toward novel developments of lasers and detectors for photonic circuits, Light: Science & Applications, 12.
🗎Elbaz, T., Chauhan, A., Halstuch, A., Shalev, G., Karabchevsky, A., 2023. Step-Index (Semi-Immersed) Model for Photonic Nanojet and Experimental Characterization via Near-Field Optical Microscopy with Microcylinder, Nanomaterials, 13(6), 1033.
🗎David, E., Karabchevsky, A., Wolfson, M., Vadim E. Fraifeld, V. E., 2023. Pulsed Ultraviolet C as a Potential Treatment for COVID-19, Fibrosis, 1(1), 1002.
🗎🗎Hazan, A., Ratzker, B., Zhang, D., Katiyi, A., Sokol, M., Gogotsi, Y., Karabchevsky, A., 2023. MXene Nanoflakes Enabled All-Optical Nonlinear Activation Function for On-Chip Photonic Deep Neural Networks, Advanced Materials, 35(11), 2210216.
🗎Morozko, F., Novitsky, A., Mikhalychev, A., Karabchevsky, A. 2022. Arbitrary single-qubit rotations on chip with twisted waveguides. arXiv preprint arXiv:2212.13530.
🗎Novikova, A., Karabchevsky, A. 2022. Green Extraction of Graphene from Natural Mineral Shungite. Nanomaterials, 12(24), 4356.
🗎Novitsky, A., Morozko, F., Gao, D., Gao, L., Karabchevsky, A., Novitsky, D. V., 2022. Resonance energy transfer near higher-order exceptional points of non-Hermitian Hamiltonians, Physical Review B, 106(19), 195410.
🗎Karabchevsky, A., Sheintop, U., Katiyi, A., 2022. Overtone Spectroscopy for Sensing - Recent Advances and Perspectives, ACS Sensors, 7(10), 2797-2803.
🗎Navitskaya, R., Stashkevich, I., Derevyanko, S., Karabchevsky, A. 2022. Spatial rogue waves in the actively Q-switched Nd:YAG laser under low Kerr nonlinearity, Optics Express, 30(20), 37076-37084.
🗎Novikova, A., Katiyi, A., Halstuch, A., Karabchevsky, A., 2022. Green-Graphene Protective Overlayer on Optical Microfibers: Prolongs the Device Lifetime. Nanomaterials, 12(17), 2915.
🗎🗎Sun, B., Morozko, F. , Salter, P. S., Moser, S., Pong, Z. , Patel, R. B., Walmsley, I. A. , Wang, M., Hazan, A., Barré, N., Jesacher, A., Fells, J., He, C., Katiyi, A., Tian, Z. H., Karabchevsky, A. and Booth, M. J., 2022. On‐chip beam rotators, adiabatic mode converters, and waveplates through low‐loss waveguides with variable cross‐sections. Light: Science & Applications, 11(1), 1-15.
🗎Karabchevsky, A., 2022. Single-shot circular dichroism spectroscopy. Light: Science & Applications, 11(1), 1-2.
🗎Karabchevsky, A., Elbaz, T., Katiyi, A., Prager O., Fridman, A., 2022. Super-resolution imaging and optomechanical manipulation using optical nanojet for non-destructive single-cell research. Advanced Photonics Research, 3(2), 2100233.
🗎Navitskaya, R., Stashkevich, I., Derevyanko, S., Karabchevsky, A. 2021. Experimental demonstration of spatial rogue waves in the passively Q-switched Nd:YAG laser. Optics Letters, 46(15), 3773-3776.
🗎🗎Falek, E., Katiyi, A., Greenberg, Y., Karabchevsky, A. 2021. On-Chip Metasurface-on-Facets for Ultra-High Transmission through Waveguides in Near-Infrared. Advanced Optical Materials, 9(11), (2100130) 1-8.
🗎🗎Artemyev, Y., Savinov, V., Katiyi, A., Shalin , A., Karabchevsky, A. 2021. Non-isolated sources of electromagnetic radiation by multipole decomposition for photonic quantum technologies on a chip with nanoscale apertures. Nanoscale Advances, 3(1), 190-197.
🗎Dadadzhanov, D. R., Vartanyan, T. A., Karabchevsky, A., 2021. Self-organized plasmonic metasurfaces: the role of the Purcell effect in metal-enhanced chemiluminescence (MEC), Sensors and Actuators: B. Chemical, 333, 129453.
🗎Minin, I. V., Minin, O. V., Geints, Yu. E., Panina, E. K., Karabchevsky, A. 2020. Optical Manipulation of Micro- and Nanoobjects Based on Structured Mesoscale Particles: a Brief Review. Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics, 33(5), 464-469.
🗎🗎Spector, M., Ang, A Minin, O. Minin., I., Karabchevsky, A. 2020. Photonic hook formation in near-infrared with MXene Ti3C2 nanoparticles. Nanoscale Advances, 2(11), 5312-5318.
🗎Morozko, F., Novitsky, A., Karabchevsky, A. 2020. Modal Purcell factor in PT-symmetric waveguides. Physical Review B, 102(15), 155303.
🗎Minin, I. V., Minin, O. V., Liu, C. Y., Wei, H. D., Karabchevsky, A. 2020. Experimental demonstration of a tunable photonic hook by a partially illuminated dielectric microcylinder. Optics Letters, 45(17), 4899-4902.
🗎Karabchevsky, A, 2020. Optical vortex-based integrated nanophotonic devices. Light: Science & Applications, 9(115).
🗎🗎Karabchevsky, A, Hazan, A., Dubavik, A. 2020. All‐Optical Polarization‐Controlled Nanosensor Switch Based on Guided‐Wave Surface Plasmon Resonance via Molecular Overtone Excitations in the Near‐Infrared. Advanced Optical Materials, 8(19), 2000769.
🗎Dadadzhanov, D. R., Vartanyan T. A., Karabchevsky, A. 2020. Lattice Rayleigh anomaly associated enhancement of NH and CH stretching modes on gold metasurfaces for overtone detection. Nanomaterials, 10(7), 1265.
🗎Karabchevsky, A, Katiyi, A., Ang, A. S., Hazan, A. 2020. On-chip nanophotonics and future challenges. Nanophotonics, Invited Review, 9(12), 3733-3753.
🗎Karabchevsky, A, Falek, E., Greenberg, Y., Elman, M., Keren, Y., Gurwich, I. 2020. Broadband transparency with all-dielectric metasurfaces engraved on waveguide facets: effect of inverted and extruded features based on Babinet’s principle. Nanoscale Advances, 2(7), 2977-2985.
🗎🗎Katiyi, A., Karabchevsky, A. 2020. Deflected Talbot mediated overtone spectroscopy in near-infrared as a label-free sensor on a chip. ACS Sensors, 5(6), 1683–1688.
🗎Spector, M., Ang, S. A., Minin, O. V., Minin, I. V., Karbchevsky, A. 2020. Temperature mediated ’Photonic hook’ nanoparticle manipulator with pulsed illumination. Nanoscale Advances, 2(6), 2595-2601.
🗎Katiyi, A., Zorea, J., Halstuch, A., Elkabets, M., Karabchevsky, A. 2020. Surface roughness-induced absorption acts as an ovarian cancer cells growth sensor-monitor. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 161, 112240.
🗎Minin, I. V., Minin, O. V., Liu, C. Y., Wei, H. D., Karabchevsky, A. 2020. Simulation and experimental observation of tunable photonic nanojet and photonic hook upon asymmetric illumination of a mesoscale cylinder with mask. arXiv preprint arXiv:2004.05911.
🗎Morozko, F, Novitsky, A, Karabchevsky, A. 2020. 'Modal Purcell factor in PT-symmetric waveguides'. arXiv:2003.05701.
🗎Ang, A. S., Shalin, A. S., Karabchevsky, A. 2020. Tailored optical potentials for Cs atoms above waveguides with focusing dielectric nano-antenna. Optics Letters, 45(13), 3512-3515.
🗎Terekhov, P. D., Evlyukhin, A. B, Redka, D., Volkov, V. S., Shalin, A. S., Karbchevsky, A. 2020. Magnetic Octupole Response of Dielectric Quadrumers, Laser & Photonics Reviews, 14(4), 1900331.
🗎Borovkova, O. V., Ignatyeva, D. O., Sekatskii, S. K., Karabchevsky, A. and Belotelov, V. I. 2020. High-Q surface electromagnetic wave resonance excitation in magneto-photonic crystals for super-sensitive detection of weak light absorption in near-IR. Photonics Research, 8(1), 57-64.
Borovkova, O. V., Ignatyeva, D. O., Sekatskii, S. K., Karabchevsky, A. and Belotelov, V. I. 2019. High-Q surface electromagnetic wave resonance excitation in magneto-photonic crystals for super-sensitive detection of weak light absorption in near-IR. arXiv preprint arXiv:1910.11406.
Terekhov, P. D., Evlyukhin, A. B., Redka, D., Volkov, V. S., Shalin, A. S. and Karabchevsky, A. 2019. Magnetic Octupole Response of Dielectric Oligomers. arXiv preprint arXiv:1910.04538.
🗎Minin, I. V., Minin, O. V., Cao, Y., Liu, Z., Geints, Y. E. and Karabchevsky, A. 2019. Optical vacuum cleaner by optomechanical manipulation of nanoparticles using nanostructured mesoscale dielectric cuboid. Scientific Reports, 9(1), 1-8.
🗎A. Katiyi, J. Zorea, A. Halstuch, M. Elkabets and A. Karabchevsky, 'Scattering-Induced Absorption Acts as a Cancer Treatment Monitor', CellPress, (2019)
🗎Dadadzhanov, D. R., Vartanyan, T. A. and Karabchevsky, A. 2019. Differential extinction of vibrational molecular overtone transitions with gold nanorods and its role in surface enhanced near-IR absorption (SENIRA). Optics express, 27(21), 29471-29478.
🗎Shamkhi, H. K., Baryshnikova, K. V., Sayanskiy, A., Kapitanova, P., Terekhov, P. D., Karabchevsky, A., Evlyukhin, A. B., Belov, P., Kivshar, Y. and Shalin, A. S. 2019. Transverse scattering and generalized Kerker effects in all-dielectric Mie-resonant meta-optics. Physical review letters, 122(19), 193905.
🗎Dadadzhanov, D. R., Vartanyan, T. A., Parfenov, P. S., Baranov, M. A. and Karabchevsky, A. 2019. Broadband plasmonic nanoparticles: fabrication, optical properties, and implications in liquid light chemiluminescence enhancement. arXiv preprint arXiv:1904.06462.
🗎Greenberg, Y. and Karabchevsky, A., 2019. Spatial eigenmodes conversion with metasurfaces engraved on silicon ridge waveguides. Applied Optics, 58(22), F21-F25.
🗎Terekhov, P. D., Evlyukhin, A. B., Shalin, A. S., and Karabchevsky, A. 2019. Polarization-dependent asymmetric light scattering by silicon nanopyramids and their multipoles resonances. Journal of Applied Physics, 125(17), 173108.
🗎Terekhov, P. D., Shamkhi, H. K., Gurvitz, E. A., Baryshnikova, K. V., Evlyukhin, A. B., Shalin, A. S. and Karabchevsky, A. 2019. Broadband forward scattering from dielectric cubic nanoantenna in lossless media. Optics Express, 27(8), 10924-10935.
🗎Terekhov, P. D., Baryshnikova, K. V., Greenberg, Y., Fu, Y. H., Evlyukhin, A. B., Shalin, A. S. and Karabchevsky, A., 2019. Enhanced absorption in all-dielectric metasurfaces due to magnetic dipole excitation. Scientific Reports, 9(1), 1-9.
🗎Terekhov, P. D., Baryshnikova, V. E., Babicheva, K. V., Shalin, A. S., Karabchevsky, A. and Evlyukhin, A. B. 2019. Multipole analysis of dielectric metasurfaces composed of nonspherical nanoparticles and lattice invisibility effect. Physical Review B, 99(4), 045424.
🗎Terekhov, P. D., Shamkhi, H. K., Gurvitz, E., Baryshnikova, K., Evlyukhin, A. B., Shalin, A. S. and Karabchevsky, A. 2018. Strong asymmetry of forward scattering effect from dielectric nanoantenna in media. arXiv preprint arXiv:1810.07916.
🗎H. K. Shamkhi, K. V. Baryshnikova, A. Sayanskiy, P. Kapitanova, P. D. Terekhov, A. Karabchevsky, A.B. Evlyukhin, P. Belov, Y. Kivshar and A. S. Shalin 2018. Transverse scattering with the generalised Kerker effect in high-index nanoparticles, Physical review letters, 122(19), 193905.
🗎Ivinskaya, A., Kostina, N., Proskurin, A., Petrov, M. I., Bogdanov, A. A., Sukhov, S., Krasavin, A. V., Karabchevsky, A., Shalin, A. S. and Ginzburg, P. 2018. Optomechanical Manipulation with Hyperbolic Metasurfaces. ACS Photonics, 5: 4371-4377.
🗎Novitsky, D., Karabchevsky, A., Lavrinenko, A., Shalin, A. S. and Novitsky, D. 2018. PT-symmetry breaking in multilayers with resonant loss and gain locks light propagation direction. Phys. Rev. B, 98: 125102.
🗎Kovrov, A., Novitsky, A., Karabchevsky, A. and Shalin, A. S. 2018. A Photonic nanojet as tunable and polarization sensitive optical tweezer. Annalen der Physik, 530(1800129): 1-5.
🗎🗎Karabchevsky, A., Katiyi, A., Abdul Khudus, M.I.M. and Kavokin, A.V. 2018. Tuning the near-infrared absorption of aromatic amines with photonic microfibers sculptured gold nanoparticles. ACS Photonics, 5: 2200-2207.
🗎Katiyi, A. and Karabchevsky, A. 2018. Si Nanostrip Rib-Waveguide for On-Chip Broadband Molecular Overtone Spectroscopy in Near-Infrared. ACS Sensors, 3: 618-623.
🗎Ospanova, A., Karabchevsky, A. and Basharin, A. A. 2018. Metamaterial Engineered Transparency due to nullifying of multipole moments. Opt. Lett., 43: 503-506.
🗎Ang, A. S., Karabchevsky, A., Minin, I.V., Minin, O.V., Sukhov, S. V. and Shalin, A. S. 2018. Photonic Hook based optomechanical nanoparticle manipulator. Nature Sci. Rep, 8: 2029.
🗎Terekhov, P. D., Baryshnikova, K. V., Karabchevsky, A., Shalin, A. S. and Evlyukhin, A. B. 2017. Multipolar response of non-spherical silicon nanoparticles in the visible and near-infrared spectral ranges. Phys. Rev. B, 96: 035443.
🗎Galutin, Y., Falek, E. and Karabchevsky, A. 2017. Invisibility Cloaking Scheme by Evanescent Fields Distortion on Composite Plasmonic Waveguides with Si Nano-Spacer. Scientific reports, 7: 835-838.
🗎Katiyi, A. and Karabchevsky, A. 2017. Figure of merit of all-dielectric waveguide structures for absorption overtone spectroscopy. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 35: 2902-2908.
🗎Terekhov, P. D., Baryshnikova, K. V., Shalin, A. S., Karabchevsky, A. and Evlyukhin, A. B. 2017. Resonant forward scattering of light by high-refractive-index dielectric nanoparticles with toroidal dipole contribution. Opt. Lett., 42: 835-838.
🗎Karabchevsky, A., Mosayyebi, A and Kavokin, A. V. 2016. Tuning chemiluminescence flow by plasmonic nanoparticles. Light: Science and Applications, 5: e16164.
🗎🗎Karabchevsky, A. and Kavokin, A. V. 2016. Giant absorption of light by molecular vibrations on a chip. Sci. Reports, 6:1-7.
🗎Karabchevsky, A., Wilkinson, J. S. and Zervas, M. N. 2015. Transmittance and surface intensity in 3D composite plasmonic waveguides. Opt. Express, 23: 14407-14423.
🗎Karabchevsky, A., Tsapovsky, L., Marks, R. and Abdulhalim, I. 2013. Study of Immobilization Procedure on Silver Nanolayers and Detection of Estrone with Diverged Beam Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) Imaging. Biosensors, 3: 157-170.
🗎Karabchevsky, A., Khare, C., Patzig, C., Abdulhalim, I. and Rauschenbach, B. 2012. Microspot sensing based on surface enhanced fluorescence from nano sculptured metallic thin films. J. of Nanophoton, 6: 061508.
🗎Krasnykov, O., Karabchevsky, A., Shalabney, A., Auslender, M. and Abdulhalim, I. 2011. Sensor with increased sensitivity based on enhanced optical transmission in the infrared. Opt. Commun., 28: 1435-1438.
🗎Karabchevsky, A., Karabchevsky, S. and Abdulhalim, I. 2011. Fast Surface Plasmon Resonance imaging sensor using Radon Transform. Sensor. Actuat. B-Chem., 155: 361-365.
🗎Karabchevsky, A., Karabchevsky, S. and Abdulhalim, I. 2011. Nano-precision algorithm for Surface Plasmon Resonance determination from images with poor contrast. J. Nanophoton., 5: 051813.
🗎Karabchevsky, A., Auslender, M. and Abdulhalim, I. 2011. Dual surface plasmon excitation at the interfaces of periodic thin metallic nanostructures. J. of Nanophoton, 5: 051821.
🗎Abdulhalim, I., Karabchevsky, A., Patzig, C., Rauschenbach, B., Fuhrmann, B., Eltzov, E., Marks, R. S., Xu, J., Zhang, F. and Lakhtakia, A. 2009. Surface enhanced fluorescence from metal sculptured thin films with application to biosensing in water. Appl. Phys. Lett., 94: 063106.
🗎Shalabney, A., Lakhtakia, A., Abdulhalim, I., Lahav, A., Patzig, C., Hazek, I., Karabchevky, A., Rauschenbach, B., Zhang, F., Xu, J. 2009. Surface plasmon resonance from metallic columnar thin films. Photonic. and Nanostruct., 7: 176-185.
🗎Karabchevsky, A., Krasnykov, O., Abdulhalim, I., Hadad, B., Goldner, A., Auslender, M. and Hava, S. 2009. ‘Metal grating on a substrate nanostructure for sensor applications. Photonic. and Nanostruct., 7: 170-175.
🗎Karabchevsky, A., Krasnykov, O., Auslender, M., Goldner, A., Hadad, B. and Abdulhalim, I. 2009. Theoretical and experimental investigation of enhanced transmission through periodic metal nanoslits for sensing in water environment. Plasmonics, 4: 281-292.
Book Chapter
A. Katiyi, A. Karabchevsky, (2024), "Modes propagation in planar waveguides", book chapter in "On-Chip Photonics - Principles, Technology and Applications" by Elsevier.
🗎A. Katiyi and A. Karabchevsky, (2023), "Passive and Active Materials for Advanced Photonic Integrated Circuitry in Visible and Near-Infrared", In: Haseeb, A. S. M. A. (eds.) Encyclopedia of Materials: Electronics, vol. 2, pp. 193–202. Oxford: Elsevier.
A. Karabchevsky, A Novitsky, F. Morozko ''Purcell effect in PT-symmetric waveguides''. Book Chapter in: Chirality, magnetism, and magnetoelectricity by Springer ed E. Kamenetsky 2020.
A. Karabchevsky and I. Abdulhalim "Techniques for signal analysis in surface plasmon resonance sensor", Signal Amplification for Biosensing from Nanostructures, Forthcoming in Series on the High-Tech of Biotechnology by Pan Stanford: Book Chapter in Nanomaterials for Water Management Signal Amplification for Biosensing from Nanostructures eds. R. S. Marks, I. Abdulhalim [ISBN 9789814463478 - CAT N11160] 30 April 2015 pp. 400.
A. Karabchevsky, A. Choudhary, (2024), "On-Chip Photonics - Principles, Technology and Applications" by Elsevier.
🗎F. Morozko, A. Novitsky, A. Karabchevsky, Modal theory for twisted waveguides', SPIE Photonics Europe, France, 3-7 April 2022.
🗎M. Shor-Hen, P. Maioli, A. Karabchevsky, ‘Light structuring photonic hook via temperature mediated effects', SPIE Photonics Europe, France, 3-7 April 2022.
🗎A. Karabchevsky, 'Development of mesoscale photonics and plasmonics: a tribute to the jubilee of Professors Igor V. Minin and Oleg V. Minin', in Photonics and Plasmonics at the Mesoscale (Vol. 11368). - SPIE Digital Library, (2020).
Dadadzhanov, D. R., Vartanyan, T. A., Gladskikh, I. A., Baranov, B. A., Karabchevsky, A. 2020. Substrates for metal-enhanced chemiluminescence (MEC) improved via laser treatment. In 2020 International Conference Laser Optics (ICLO) (pp. 1-1). IEEE.
🗎O. V. Minin, Y. Keren, I. V. Minin and A. Karabchevsky, 'Tuning the nanojet based on the Babinet principle', Photonics and Plasmonics at the Mesoscale. - SPIE Photonics Europe, (2020).
🗎D. R. Dadadzhanov, T. A. Vartanyan and A. Karabchevsky, 'Surface-enhanced near-infrared absorption (SENIRA) of C-H and N-H groups with gold nanoarray', SPIE-OPTO, Quantum Sensing and Nano Electronics and Photonics XVII, (2020).
D. R. Dadadzhanov, T. A. Vartanyan and A. Karabchevsky, 'Studying the effect of the substrate in metal-enhanced chemiluminescence', SPIE-OPTO, Quantum Dots and Nanostructures: Growth, Characterization, and Modeling XVII, (2020).
🗎P. D. Terekhov, A. B. Evlyukhin, A. Karabchevsky, A. S. Shalin, 'Multipole analysis of periodic array of rotated silicon cubes', Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1461). - METANANO (2019).
🗎P. D. Terekhov, A. B. Evlyukhin, A. Karabchevsky, A. S. Shalin, 'Multipole analysis of periodic array of rotated silicon cubes', Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1461). - METANANO (2019).
🗎P. D. Terekhov, H. K. Shamkhi, E. A. Gurvitz, K. V. Baryshnikova, A. B. Evlyukhin, A. S. Shalin, A. Karabchevsky, 'Evolution of multipole moments in silicon nanocylinder while varying the refractive index of surrounding medium', Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1461). - METANANO (2019).
🗎H. K. Shamkhi, K. V. Baryshnikova, A. Sayanskiy, P. Kapitanova, P. D. Terekhov, P. Belov, A. Karabchevsky, A. B. Evlyukhin, Y. Kivshar, A. S. Shalin, 'Simultaneous suppression of forward and backward light scattering by high-index nanoparticles based on Kerker-like effects', Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1461). - METANANO (2019).
🗎H. K. Shamkhi, K. V. Baryshnikova, A. Sayanskiy, P. D. Terekhov, E. A. Gurvitz, A. C. Valero, A. Karabchevsky, P. Kapitanova, A. B. Evlyukhin, P. Belov, 'Non-Huygens invisible metasurfaces', Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1461). - METANANO (2019).
🗎P. D. Terekhov, V. E. Babicheva, K. V. Baryshnikova, A. S. Shalin, A. Karabchevsky and A. B. Evlyukhin, 'Transmission and reflection features of all-dielectrics metasurfaces with electric and magnetic resonances', Photonic and Phononic Properties of Engineered Nanostructures IX. – International Society for Optics and Photonics, Vol. 10927, (2019)
P. D. Terekhov, H. K. Shamkhi, E. Gurvitz, A. B. Evlyukhin, A. S. Shalin and A. Karabchevsky, 'High-refractive-index nanoparticles embedded in media: multipole evolution and broadband forward scattering enhancement', In Optical Components and Materials XVI (Vol. 10914, p. 109140U). Proc. SPIE 10914 SPIE International Society for Optics and Photonics, (2019) doi: 10.1117/12.2506971. Presentation
H. K. Shamkhi, K. V., Baryshnikova, A. Sayanskiy, P. D. Terekhov, E. A. Gurvitz, A. C. Valero, A. Karabchevsky, P. Kapitanova, A. B. Evlyukhin, P. A. Belov, Y. Kivshar and A. S. Shalin, 'Full Transmission through a metasurface beyond Kerker conditions', In XIII международные чтения по квантовой оптике (IWQO-2019) (2019).
🗎H. Shamkhi, K. Baryshnikova, A. Sayanskiy, P. Kapitanova, P. D. Terekhov, P. Belov, A. Karabchevsky, A. Evlyukhin, Y. Kivshar and A. Shalin, 'Extraordinary transparent metasurfaces composed of transverse scatterers', Thirteenth International Congress on Artificial Materials for Novel Wave Phenomena (Metamaterials). IEEE, (2019).
🗎D. V. Novitsky, A. Karabchevsky, A. Lavrinenko, A. S. Shalin and A. V. Novitsky, 'Light dynamics in PT-symmetric multilayers: Phase transition, nonreciprocity, and propagation direction locking', IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1092, (2018).
🗎P. D. Terekhov, K. V. Baryshnikova, Y. A. Artemyev, A. Karabchevsky, A. S. Shalin and A. B. Evlyukhin, 'Optical multipole resonances of non-spherical silicon nanoparticles and the influence of illumination direction', SPIE Proceedings Volume 10528, Optical Components and Materials XV; 1052802, (2018).
🗎D. R. Dadadzhanov, T. A. Vartanyan and A. Karabchevsky, 'Vibrational overtones spectroscopy enabled by plasmonic nanoantennas’. SPIE Nanoscience + Engineering. Plasmonics: Design, Materials, Fabrication, Characterization, and Applications XVI, (2018).
🗎Y. Galutin, E. Falek and A. Karabchevsky, 'Invisibility Cloak Scheme with Composite Plasmonic Waveguides and Metsurface Overlayers', Proceedings of the Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium, St Petersburg, Russia, (2017). link
🗎P. D. Terekhov, K. V. Baryshnikova, A. S. Shalin, A. B. Evlyukhin and A. Karabchevsky, 'Toroidal Dipole Associated Resonant Forward Scattering of Light by Silicon Nanoparticles', Proceedings of the Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium, St Petersburg, Russia, (2017). link
🗎P. D. Terekhov, K. V. Baryshnikova, Y. A. Artemyev, A. S. Shalin, A. Karabchevsky and A. B. Evlyukhin, 'Multipole optical response of a silicon nanocones', Proceedings of the International Conference Days on Diffraction, St Petersburg, Russia, (2017). link
🗎A. Karabchevsky, 'Glowing microfluidics without external light source', Proceedings of the 34th Israeli Conference of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Technion I.I.T, Haifa, 22-23 November, (2016).
🗎A. Karabchevsky and Y. Gorodetski, 'Plasmonic rack-and-pinion gear with chiral metasurfaces', SPIE Photonics Europe, Brussels 2016, Proc. SPIE, Vol. 9883, 9883H (2016). Link to Lecture
🗎A. Karabchevsky and A. Shalabney, 'Strong interaction of molecular vibrational overtones with near-guided surface plasmon polariton', Proc. SPIE 9899, Optical Sensing and Detection IV, 98991T, Brussels, Proc. SPIE, (2016).
🗎A. Karabchevsky, C. Patzig, B. Rauschenbach and I. Abdulhalim, 'Microspot surface enhanced fluorescence from sculptured thin films for control of antibody immobilization', SPIE Optics and Photonics, San Diego 2011, Proc. SPIE, 8104 - 20 (2011). Best paper award.
🗎A. Karabchevsky, L. Tsapovsky, R. S. Marks and I. Abdulhalim, 'Optical immunosensor for endocrine disruptor nanolayer detection by surface plasmon resonance imaging', SPIE Optics and Photonics, San Diego 2011, Proc. SPIE, 8099 - 32 (2011).
🗎I. Abdulhalim, A. Karabchevsky, C. Patzig, B. Rauschenbach and B. Fuhrmann, 'Comparative study of enhanced fluorescence from nano sculptured thin films', SPIE Optics and Photonics, San Diego 2008, Proc. SPIE, Vol. 7041, 70410G (2008).
🗎A. Karabchevsky, 'Integrated Photonics for Optoelectronic Physical Reservoir Computing', Photonics for Information Processing 2024, Bad Honnef, Germany, 2-5 June 2024. talk.
🗎F. Morozko, 'Optoelectronic Reservoir Computer with In-situ-optimized Digital Delayed Feedback', Photonics for Information Processing 2024, Bad Honnef, Germany, 2-5 June 2024. talk.
🗎F. Morozko, S. Watad, A. Naser, A. C. Lesina, A. Novitsky, and A. Karabchevsky, 'Optoelectronic Physical Reservoir Computing with Digital Delayed Feedback featuring in situ Optimization', META 2024, Toyama, Japan, 16-19 July 2024. talk.
🗎F. Morozko, A. Arlouski, A. Karabchevsky, and A. Novitsky, 'Resonance energy transfer near PT-symmetric and non-Hermitian multilayer systems', META 2024, Toyama, Japan, 16-19 July 2024. talk.
🗎R. Navitskaya, I. Stashkevitch, S. Derevyanko, and A. Karabchevsky, 'Simulation of spatial rogue waves in a solid-state laser with transverse mode-locking', META 2024, Toyama, Japan, 16-19 July 2024. talk.
🗎F. Morozko, A. Novitsky, A. Mikhalychev and A. Karabchevsky, 'Twisted waveguides as arbitrary unitary gates in polarization-encoded quantum information processing circuits', META 2023, Paris, France, 18-21 July 2023. talk.
🗎A. Novikova and A. Karabchevsky, 'Green-Extraction of Graphene from Natural Mineral Shungite', META 2023, Paris, France, 18-21 July 2023.
🗎R. Navitskaya, I. Stashkevitch, S. Derevyanko and A. Karabchevsky, 'Generation of spatial rogue waves in a Q-switched Nd:YAG laser', META 2023, Paris, France, 18-21 July 2023.
🗎M. H. Shor Peled, P. Maioli and A. Karabchevsky, 'Displacement trajectory of nanoparticles illuminated by pulsed photonic jet and photonic hook', META 2023, Paris, France, 18-21 July 2023.
🗎A. Karabchevsky, 'Micro and Nano-Optics: Ongoing Research and Future Direction', OASIS8, Tel-Aviv, Israel, 12-13 December 2022. talk.
🗎F. Marozko, A. Novitsky and A. Karabchevsky, 'Arbitrary on-chip polarization manipulation with twisted waveguides', OASIS8, Tel-Aviv, Israel, 12-13 December 2022. talk.
🗎M. Shor Peled, P. Maioli and A. Karabchevsky, 'Displacement trajectory of gold nanoparticles under photonic hook', OASIS8, Tel-Aviv, Israel, 12-13 December 2022. talk.
🗎U. Sheintop and A. Karabchevsky, 'Model confinement factor study in planar waveguide for sensing', OASIS8, Tel-Aviv, Israel, 12-13 December 2022. Poster.
🗎A. Novikova, A. Katiyi and A. Karabchevsky, 'MXene composite with gold nanoparticles on microfiber for enhanced sensitivity', OASIS8, Tel-Aviv, Israel, 12-13 December 2022. Poster.
A. Karabchevsky, ‘Novel 2D Materials Enabled All-Optical Nonlinear Activation Functions for On-Chip Photonic Deep Neural Networks', META The 12th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics, Torremolinos, Spain, July 19 – 22, 2022. Invited Talk to Special Symposium.
A. Novikova, A. Katiyi, A. Halstuch, A. Karabchevsky, "Green -graphene protective overlayer on optical microfibers: pro-longs the device lifetime", IPS2022, Beer Sheva, Israel, 22 February 2022. Poster
🗎F. Morozko, A. Novitsky, A. Karabchevsky, Modal theory for twisted waveguides', SPIE Photonics Europe, France, 3-7 April 2022. Poster
M. Shor-Hen, P. Maioli, A. Karabchevsky, ‘Light structuring photonic hook via temperature mediated effects', SPIE Photonics Europe, France, 3-7 April 2022. Poster
A. Karabchevsky, ‘All-optical neural networks for structured light on a chip', SPIE Photonics Europe, France, 3-7 April 2022. Invited Talk.
🗎A. Hazan, O. Sattah, A. Karabchevsky, ‘On-chip Quantum Money with Classical Verification’, The 66th Israel Physical Society Conference, Israel, 22 January 2021. Poster
🗎A. Hazan, B. Ratzker, Z. Danzhen, A. Katiyi, N. Frage, M. Sokol, Y. Gogotsi and and A. Karabchevsky, ‘On-Chip All-Optical Nonlinear Activation Function for Photonic Neural Network via Two-Dimensional Ti_3 C_2 (MXene) in Near-Infrared’, The 66th Israel Physical Society Conference, Israel, 22 January 2021. Poster
🗎T. Elbaz, A. Karabchevsky, 'Formation of photonic jet in step-index medium with cylinder', The 66th Israel Physical Society Conference, Israel, 22 January 2021. Poster
🗎R. Navitskaya, I. Stachkevich, S. Derevyanko, A. Karabchevsky, 'Experimental Demonstration of Spatial Rogue Waves in the Passively Q-switched Nd:YAG Laser', The 66th Israel Physical Society Conference, Israel, 22 January 2021. Talk
🗎A. Novikova, A. Karabchevsky, 'Green-extraction of carbon thin films from natural mineral shungite', The 66th Israel Physical Society Conference, Israel, 22 January 2021. Poster
🗎F. Morozko, A. Novitsky, A. Karabchevsky, 'Eigenmode Expansion Method to Analyze Wave Propagation in Twisted Optical Waveguides', The 66th Israel Physical Society Conference, Israel, 22 January 2021. Talk
🗎A. Karabchevsky, A. S. Ang, M. Spector, O. V. Minin, I. V. Minin, 'Photonic hook’ nanoparticle manipulator generated under pulsed illumination', META 2020, Warsaw, Poland, July 20 – 23, 2020.
🗎P. Terekhov, A. Evlyukhin, V. Klimov, A. Shalin, A. Karabchevsky, 'Magnetic Octupole Response of Dielectric Quadrumers', SPIE Optics +Photonics 2020.
A. Karabchevsky, Y. Keren and I. V. Minin, 'Tuning the nanojet based on Babinet principle', Photonics and Plasmonics at the Mesoscale, Strasbourg, France, 29 Mar - 2 Apr 2020. Invited Paper.
🗎A. Karabchevsky, 'Development of mesoscale photonics and plasmonics: a tribute to the jubilee of Professors Igor V. Minin and Oleg V. Minin', SPIE Photonics Europe, Beer Sheva, Israel, March 2020.
🗎A. Karabchevsky, 'Light manipulation in silicon at nanoscale for efficient light absorption in energy harvesting devices', 22nd Sede Boqer Symposium on Solar Electricity Production, 24-25 Sep 2019. Invited Talk.
A. Karabchevsky, ‘All-optical switch with hybrid plasmonic molecular systems: sensing or switching?’, Nonlinear Metamaterials and Photonic Crystals, Sep 2019.
🗎P. D. Terekhov, H. K. Shamkhi, K. V. Baryshnikova, P. Belov, Y. Kivshar, V. Babicheva, A. Sayanskiy, P. Kapitanova, A. B. Evlyukhin and A. Karabchevsky, 'Metasurface invisibility and Generalized Kerker-effect applications for dielectric nanophotonics', Nanophotonics and Micro/Nano Optics International Conference 2019, Munich, Germany, 4-6 Sep 2019. Talk.
🗎A. Karabchevsky and A. Hazan, 'All-optical switch with hybrid plasmonic molecular systems: sensing or switching?', Nonlinear metamaterials and photonic crystals 2019. Talk.
🗎A. Karabchevsky and A. Hazan, 'Metamaterials-based probing weak quantum absorber in coupled three-resonator system with guided wave surface plasmons: sensing or all-optical switching?', Meta19, Lisbon, Portugal, 23-26 Jul 2019. Talk.
🗎H. K. Shamkhi, K. V. Baryshnikova, A. Sayanskiy, P. Kapitanova, P. D. Terekhov, A. Karabchevsky, A. B. Evlyukhin, P. Belov, Y. Kivshar and A. S. Shalin, 'Invisible metasurfaces based on high-order Kerker and anapole effects', Meta19, Lisbon, Portugal, 23-26 Jul 2019. Talk.
🗎A. Karabchevsky, 'Overtone spectroscopy on a chip: Overview of fundamentals and important applications', SPIE Photonics West 2019, San Diego, California, USA, 5-7 Feb 2019. Invited Talk.
🗎P. D. Terekhov, K. V. Baryshnikova, V. E. Babicheva, A. S. Shalin, A. Karabchevsky and A. B. Evlyukhin, 'Transmission and reflection features of all-dielectrics metasurfaces with electric and magnetic resonances', SPIE Photonics West 2019, San Diego, California, USA, 5-7 Feb 2019. Talk.
A. Karabchevsky, 'All-Optical Monitoring of Cancer Treatment Efficiency with Overtone Absorption Spectroscopy on Microfibers', OASIS7, Tel-Aviv, Israel, 1-2 Apr 2019. Invited Talk.
Y. Greenberg and A. Karabchevsky, 'Metasurface Assisted Mode Converters based on SOI Technology', OASIS7, Tel-Aviv, Israel, 1-2 Apr 2019. Poster.
🗎P. D. Terekhov, A. B. Evlyukhin, A. S., Shalin and A. Karabchevsky, 'High-refractive-index nanoparticles embedded in media: Multipole evolution and broadband forward scattering enhancement', SPIE Photonics West 2019, San Diego, California, USA, 5-7 Feb 2019. Talk.
🗎A. S. Ang, D. Groswasser, M. Keil, Y. Japha, A. S., Shalin, R. Folman and A. Karabchevsky, 'Controlling Light in a Metasurface-Perturbed Dielectric Waveguide', NanoIsrael2018, Jerusalem, Israel, 10-11 Oct 2018. Poster.
🗎A. Katiyi, J. Zorea, A. Halstuch, M. Elkabets and A. Karabchevsky, 'Monitoring efficiency of ovarian cancer treatment using overtone absorption spectroscopy on microfibers', NanoIsrael2018, Jerusalem, Israel, 10-11 Oct 2018. Poster.
🗎Y. Galutin and A. Karabchevsky, 'Controlling Light in a Metasurface-Perturbed Dielectric Waveguide', NanoIsrael2018, Jerusalem, Israel, 10-11 Oct 2018. Poster.
🗎P. D. Terekhov, K. V. Baryshnikova, Y. Galutin, A. I. Kuznetsov, H. F. Yuan, A. B. Evlyukhin, A. S. Shalin and A. Karabchevsky, 'All-dielectric metasurface engineered absorption in near-infrared', The 15th International Conference on Laser Applications in Life Sciences (LALS), Israel, 18-20 Nov 2018. Talk.
🗎D. R. Dadadzhanov, T. A. Vartanyan and A. Karabchevsky, 'Light creation without pump: tuning plasmonic resonance for surface-enhanced chemiluminescence', SPIE Optics and Photonics, San Diego, California, USA, 19-23 Aug 2018. Poster.
🗎D. R. Dadadzhanov, T. A. Vartanyan and A. Karabchevsky, 'Vibrational overtones spectroscopy enabled by plasmonic nanoantennas', SPIE Optics and Photonics, San Diego, California, USA, 19 -23 Aug 2018. Poster.
🗎D. R. Dadadzhanov, T. A. Vartanyan and A. Karabchevsky, 'Luminol Chemiluminescence Enhancement in the Presence of Colloidal Plasmonic Nanoparticles', PCNSPA 2018 - Photonic Colloidal Nanostructures: Synthesis, Properties, and Applications, Saint Petersburg, Russia, 4-8 Jun 2018. Poster.
🗎A. Karabchevsky, Y. A. Artemyev, N. Volsky, A. A. Basharin and A. S. Shalin, 'Shaping Light with an Inclusion: Contribution of Multipoles in Scattering Effect on Waveguide', META Conference, Round-Trip Marsielle Cruise, 2018. Invited Talk.
🗎V. Samyshkin, Y. Galutin, S. Kutrovskaya, A. Kucherik and A. Karabchevsky, 'Carbyne Based Metasurfaces Stabilized with Metallic Nanoparticles', META Conference, Round-Trip Marsielle Cruise, 2018. Invited Talk.
🗎A. Karabchevsky and Y. Galutin, 'Anti-Reflective All-Dielectric Metasurfaces Engraved on an Optical Waveguide Facet', META Conference, Round-Trip Marsielle Cruise, 2018. Invited Talk.
🗎A. S. Ang, I. V. Minin, V. M. Minin, S. V. Sukhov, A. S. Shalin and A. Karabchevsky, 'Low-contrast photonic hook manipulator for cellular differentiation', META Conference, Round-Trip Marsielle Cruise, 2018. Invited Talk.
🗎A. Katiyi and A. Karabchevsky, 'Si Nanostrip Optical Waveguide for Molecular Overtone Spectroscopy', META Conference, Round-Trip Marsielle Cruise, 2018. Invited Talk.
Y. Galutin and A. Karabchevsky, 'Optical Response of Waveguide with Spatially Varying Anisotropic Scatterers', When Light Meets Matter, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel, 14-15 Jan 2018. Poster.
V. Samyshkin, Y. Galutin, S. Kutrovskaya, A. Kucherik and A. Karabchevsky, 'Carbyne Based Metasurfaces Stabilized with Metallic Nanoparticles', When Light Meets Matter, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel, 14-15 Jan 2018. Poster.
🗎N. Volsky, A. A. Basharin and A. Karabchevsky, 'Toroidal dipole excitation in nanoantennas embedded in different media', When Light Meets Matter, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel, 14-15 Jan 2018. Poster.
🗎D. R. Dadadzhanov, T. A. Vartanyan and A. Karabchevsky, 'Quality factor of plasmonic nanoparticles for efficient emission of chemiluminescence', When Light Meets Matter, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel, 14-15 Jan 2018. Poster.
🗎A. S. Ang, I. V. Minin, V. M. Minin, S. V. Sukhov, A. S. Shalin and A. Karabchevsky, 'Photonic Hook as Nanoparticle Manipulator', When Light Meets Matter, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel, 14-15 Jan 2018. Poster.
🗎A. Katiyi, Y. Galutin, B. Hadad and A. Karabchevsky, 'Deflected Talbot effect on nanostrip waveguides with inclusions', When Light Meets Matter, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel, 14-15 Jan 2018. Poster.
A. K. Ospanova, A. Karabchevsky and A. A. Basharin, 'Transparency effect in all-dielectric metamaterials due to the nullifying of multipoles', SPIE 2018. Submitted.
A. K. Ospanova, A. Karabchevsky and A. A. Basharin, 'Novel Transparency Effect in All-Dielectric Metamaterials Due to the Multipoles Annulment', 12th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2018). submitted.
🗎P. D. Terekhov, K. V. Baryshnikova, A. B. Evlyukhin, A. S. Shalin and A. Karabchevsky, 'Excitation of high-order multipoles in Si metasurface', SPIE OPTO 2018, San Francisco, California, USA, 27 Jan - 1 Feb 2018. Talk.
🗎P. D. Terekhov, K. V. Baryshnikova, Y. A. Artemyev, A. S. Shalin, A. Karabchevsky and A. B. Evlyukhin, 'Optical multipole resonances of non-spherical silicon nanoparticles and the influence of illumination direction', SPIE OPTO 2018, San Francisco, California, USA, 27 Jan - 1 Feb 2018. Invited Talk.
🗎Y. A. Artemyev, A. S. Shalin and A. Karabchevsky, 'Multipole excitations in all-dielectric metamolecules and inorganic molecules', SPIE OPTO 2018, San Francisco, California, USA, 27 Jan - 1 Feb 2018. Talk.
🗎Y. A. Artemyev, A. S. Shalin and A. Karabchevsky, 'Random all-dielectric anti-reflective metasurfaces on the waveguide facet', SPIE OPTO 2018, San Francisco, California, USA, 27 Jan - 1 Feb 2018. Talk.
🗎P. D. Terekhov, K. V. Baryshnikova, Y. A. Artemyev, A. S. Shalin, A. Karabchevsky and A. B. Evlyukhin, 'Multipole optical response of silicon nanoparticles of different shape', Days on Diffraction 2017, St Petersburg, Russia, 19-23 Jun 2017. Invited Talk.
🗎Y. Galutin, E. Falek and A. Karabchevsky, 'Invisibility cloak scheme with composite plasmonic waveguides and metsurface overlayers', Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS), St Petersburg, Russia, 22-25 May 2017. Invited Talk.
🗎P. D. Terekhov, K. V. Baryshnikova, A. S. Shalin, A. Karabchevsky and A. B. Evlyukhin, 'Toroidal dipole associated resonant forward scattering of light by silicon nanoparticles', Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS), St Petersburg, Russia, 22-25 May 2017. Invited Talk.
A. Karabchevsky, 'Near-infrared spectroscopy of aromatic amines on reconfigurable microfibers: unexpected enhancement of overtone absorption', Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS), St Petersburg, Russia, 22-25 May 2017. Invited Talk.
A. Karabchevsky, 'Overtone spectroscopy with reconfigurable microfibers', OASIS6, Tel Aviv, Israel, 27-28 Feb 2017. Invited Talk.
Y. Galutin and A. Karabchevsky, 'Study of evanescent fields distortion perturbed by nanoparticle with metasurfaces on ridge waveguides', OASIS6, Tel Aviv, Israel, 27-28 Feb 2017. Poster.
A. Katiyi, B. Hadad and A. Karabchevsky, 'Silicon Waveguides for Broadband overtone spectroscopy of N-Methylamine and Aniline in near-infrared', OASIS6, Tel Aviv, Israel, 27-28 Feb 2017. Poster.
A. Karabchevsky, 'Glowing microfluidics without external light source', 34th Israeli Conference of Mechanical Engineering, Haifa, Israel, 22-23 Nov 2016. Invited Talk.
A. Karabchevsky, 'Nanophotonics on a Chip: From Fundamentals to Emerging Applications', IVS 34th Annual Conference, Beer-Sheva, Israel, 19 Sep 2016. Invited Talk.
A. Katiyi and A. Karabchevsky, 'Nano-tapers: squeezing light in a dielectric nano-guide for overtone spectroscopy', MetaNano, Anapa, Russia, 5-9 Sep 2016. Invited Talk.
A. Karabchevsky and A. V. Kavokin, 'Enhanced molecular overtone absorption by light-on-a-chip', Meta16, Malaga, Spain, 25-28 July 2016. Talk.
🗎A. Karabchevsky and A. Shalabney, 'Strong interaction of molecular vibrational overtones with near-guided surface plasmon polariton', SPIE Photonics Europe, Belgium, 3-7 Apr 2016. Talk.
A. Karabchevsky and Y. Gorodetski, 'Plasmonic rac-and-pinion gear with chiral metasurfaces', SPIE Photonics Europe, Belgium, 3-7 Apr 2016. Talk.
A. Karabchevsky, 'Fano-resonance line shape of near-guided surface plasmon polariton coupling to molecular vibrational overtones', Mediterranean Institute of Fundamental Physics, Rome, Italy, 22-26 Mar 2016. Talk.
A. Karabchevsky, A. Mosayyebi and A. V. Kavokin, 'Glowing microfluidics', NanoIsrael Conference, Tel-Aviv University, Israel, 22-34 Feb 2016. Poster.
A. Karabchevsky, 'Disordered photonics: strong scattering and enhanced absorption in disordered molecular layers of primary amines', "Light in Science", International Conference, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel, 9-10 Jun 2015. Talk.
A. Karabchevsky, 'Controlling absorption of light by molecules with integrated optics based systems', Impact on Energy, Environment, Health and Water, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel, 27 May - 1 Jun 2015. Invited Talk.
🗎A. Karabchevsky, G. Buscemi, M. I. M. Abdul Khudus, P. G. Lagoudakis, M. N. Zervas and J. S. Wilkinson, 'Broadband near-infrared spectroscopy of organic molecules on compact photonic devices', 5th International Topical Meeting on Nanophotonics and Metamaterials (NANOMETA '15), Seefeld, Austria, 5-8 Jan 2015. Poster.
A. Karabchevsky, M. N. Zervas and J. S. Wilkinson, 'Orthonormal complex hybrid guided mode coupling over a discontinuity in a plasmonic waveguide', XXII International Workshop on Optical Wave Waveguide Theory and Numerical Modelling (OWTNM 2014) Institute Fresnel, Nice, 27-28 Jun 2014. Talk.
🗎J. T. G. Butement, H. C. Hunt, D. J. Rowe, A. Karabchevsky, P. Hua, G. S. Murugan, O. Clark, C. Holmes, L. G. Carpenter, J. C. Gates, P. G. R. Smith, J. E. Chad and J. S. Wilkinson, 'A microflow cytometer for microsphere-based immunoassays using integrated optics and inertial particle focusing', Biosensors 14, Melbourne, Australia, 27-30 May 2014. Poster.
A. Mosayyebi, A. Karabchevsky and J. S. Wilkinson, 'Nanoparticle-enhanced chemiluminescence in microflow injection analysis', The 6th Mediterranean Conference on Nano-Photonics (MediNano-6), Lyon, France, 30-31 Oct 2013. Poster.
🗎A. Karabchevsky, P. Hua and J. S. Wilkinson, 'Simple evanescent field sensor for NIR spectroscopy', The 6th Mediterranean Conference on Nano-Photonics (MediNano6), Lyon, France, 30-31 Oct 2013. Talk.
A. Karabchevsky, C. Patzig, B. Rauschenbach and I. Abdulhalim, 'Microspot surface enhanced fluorescence from sculptured thin films for control of antibody immobilization', SPIE Optics and Photonics, San Diego, USA, 21-25 Aug 2011. Talk. This oral presentation was recognized with a Best SPIE Publishing Student Lecture Award.
A. Karabchevsky, L. Tsapovsky, R. S. Marks and I. Abdulhalim, 'Optical immunosensor for endocrine disruptor nanolayer detection by surface plasmon resonance imaging', SPIE Optics and Photonics, San Diego, USA, 21-25 Aug 2011. Poster.
A. Karabchevsky, L. Tsapovsky, R. Marks and I. Abdulhalim, 'Metallic Nano-Sculptured Thin Films as Fluorescence Sensors for Biochemical Receptors Immobilized on Surfaces', OASIS 2011, Tel-Aviv, Israel, 9-10 Mar 2011. Poster.
A. Karabchevsky, L. Tsapovsky, R. Marks and I. Abdulhalim, 'Fast Surface Plasmon Resonance Imaging Sensor using Radon Transform and its Application in Biosensing', OASIS 2011, Tel-Aviv, Israel, 9-10 Mar 2010. Poster.
A. Karabchevsky, L. Tsapovsky, R. Marks and I. Abdulhalim, 'Fast Surface Plasmon Resonance Imaging Sensor using Radon Transform and its Application in Biosensing', OASIS 2011, Tel-Aviv, Israel, 9-10 Mar 2010. Poster.
A. Karabchevsky, L. Tsapovsky, R. Marks and I. Abdulhalim, 'Endocrine Disruptor Nanolayer Detection using Surface Plasmon Resonance Imaging', NanoIsrael 2010, Tel-Aviv, Israel, 8-9 Nov 2010. Poster. This oral presentation was recognized with the First place in The 2nd International Nanotechnology Student Poster Award.
A. Karabchevsky, M. Auslender and I. Abdulhalim, 'Localized versus Extended Surface Plasmon Resonances excited in Nano-gratings with Nano-scale Thick-ness', NanoIsrael 2010, Tel-Aviv, Israel, 8-9 Nov 2010. Poster.
A. Karabchevsky, S. Karabchevsky and I. Abdulhalim, 'Fast Surface Plasmon Resonance Imaging Sensor', The 3rd Mediterranean Conference on Nano-Photonics, (MediNano-3), Belgrade, Serbia, 18-19 Oct 2010. Talk.
A. Shalabney, A. Karabchevky, C. Khare, C. Patzig, B. Rauschenbach, A. Lakhtakia, and I. Abdulhalim, 'Optimization of Sculptured Thin Films for Optical Signals Enhancement for Biosensing', The 2nd Mediterranean Conference on Nano-Photonics, (MediNano-2), Athens, Greece, 26-27 Oct 2009. Talk.
A. Karabchevsky and I. Abdulhalim, 'Enhanced Optical Transmission due to Double LSPR Excitation at Metal Grating Interfaces and its Advantage in Sensing', The 2nd Mediterranean Conference on Nano-Photonics, (MediNano-2), Athens, Greece, 26-27 Oct 2009. Talk.
A. Karabchevsky, C. Khare, C. Patzig, I. Abdulhalim and B. Rauschenbach, 'Metallic columnar nano-structured thin films for surface enhanced fluorescence and biosensing in water', FluoroFest09 Fluorescence Workshop, Prague, Czech Republic, 3-6 May 2009. Talk.
A. Karabchevsky, C. Khare, C. Patzig, I. Abdulhalim and B. Rauschenbach, 'Metallic columnar nano-structured thin films for surface enhanced fluorescence and biosensing in water', FluoroFest09 Fluorescence Workshop, Prague, Czech Republic, 3-6 May 2009. Poster.
A. Karabchevsky, I. Abdulhalim, C. Patzig, B. Rauschenbach, B. Fuhrmann, J. Xu, F. Zhang and A. Lakhtakia, 'Nanophotonic structures to control water quality', The 12th meeting on Optical Engineering and Science, Tel Aviv, Israel, 23-24 Mar 2009. Poster.
M. Auslender, A. Karabchevsky, O. Krasnykov, B. Hadad, A. Goldner and Abdulhalim, 'Nano-scale metallic grating based structures for sensor applications', The 1st Mediterranean Conference on Nano-Photonics, (MediNano-1), Istanbul, Turkey, 6-8 Oct 2008. Invited Talk.
I. Abdulhalim, A. Karabchevsky, C. Patzig, B. Rauschenbach, B. Fuhrmann, E. Eltzov, R. Marks, J. Xu, F. Zhang and A. Lakhtakia, 'Towards the biosensing applications of sculptured thin films', The 1st Mediterranean Conference on Nano-Photonics, (MediNano-1), Istanbul, Turkey, 6-8 Oct 2008. Invited Talk.
A. Karabchevsky, O. Krasnykov, M. Auslender, B. Hadad, A. Goldner, A., E. Eltzov, R. Marks, and I. Abdulhalim, 'Nano-scale metallic grating based structures for sensor applications', The 1st Mediterranean Conference on Nano-Photonics', (MediNano-1), Istanbul, Turkey, 6-8 Oct 2008. Poster.
Invited seminars
A. Karabchevsky, 'Novel concepts for fiber optics', Photonics Center at Soreq, IL, 6 Aug 2019. Guest speaker.
A. Karabchevsky, 'Manipulate with Light? So, hay, why pay!', SCD company, IL, 1 Aug 2018. Guest speaker.
A. Karabchevsky, 'Light is fun: hooray let’s play!', Outreach lecture for pupils, Lehavim school IL, 27 Jul 2018. Guest speaker.
A. Karabchevsky, 'Light-on-Chip', School of Electrical Engineering, Tel-Aviv University, TAU IL, 24 May 2018. Guest speaker.
A. Karabchevsky, 'Molecules, Glass and Light', Biotechnology Engineering, BGU, 12 Nov 2017. Guest speaker.
A. Karabchevsky, 'Integrated Photonics for Molecular Science and Emerging Applications', The School of Chemistry, TAU IL, 10 Nov 2016. Guest speaker.
A. Karabchevsky, 'Tuning the chemiluminescence of a luminol flow using integrated nanophotonic system', Biomedical Engineering, BGU IL, 18 May 2016. Guest speaker.
A. Karabchevsky, 'Integrated Photonic Devices', Applied Physics seminar, Hebrew University of Jerusalem IL, 21 Oct 2015. Guest speaker.
A. Karabchevsky, 'Molecules, Glass and Light’, Weizmann Institute of Science IL, 17 Sep 2015. Guest speaker.
A. Karabchevsky, 'Molecules, Glass and Light’, Electrootpical Engineering, BIU IL, 13 Jul 2015. Guest speaker.
A. Karabchevsky, 'Molecules, Glass and Light’, Electric and Computer Engineering, Technion IL, 5 May 2015. Guest speaker.
A. Karabchevsky, 'Towards Surface Enhanced IR Absorption (SEIRA) Spectroscopy on Waveguides', NanoMeta Seminar, Southampton University UK, 26 Jan 2015. Guest speaker.
A. Karabchevsky, 'Evanescent Spectroscopy - Theory and Experiment', Zepler Institute Southampton University UK, 7 Jul 2014. Invited.
A. Karabchevsky, 'Waveguiding molecular signatures on waveguides', Hall University UK, 26 Nov 2014. Invited.
Alina Karabchevsky, Fyodor Morozko, Shadad Watad, Amir 'Reservoir Computer in Optoelectronic Oscillator Materials Platform with Digital Delayed Feedback', 63/605,520, ApplDate: 3/12/2023.
Alina Karabchevsky, Maya Shor-Peled, 'Displacement Trajectory Of Nanoparticles Illuminated By Pulsed Photonic Jet And Photonic', 63/436,699, ApplDate: 3/1/2023.
Alina Karabchevsky, Fyodor Morozko, 'Arbitrary single-qubit rotations on chip with twisted waveguides', No 63/435,279, ApplDate: 26/12/2022.
Alina Karabchevsky, Anastasia Novikova, 'Method For Green Extraction Of Graphene From Shungite', No 63/339,467, ApplDate: 8/05/2022.
Alina Karabchevsky, Adir Hazan, 'All-Optical Non-Linear Activation Device, System and Method', PCT/IB2022/057122, ApplDate: 01/08/2022 USA.
Alina Karabchevsky, On-chip broadband beam polarization rotator PCT/IL2021/050054 USA.
Alina Karabchevsky, 'Anti-reflection structures engraved in two facets of waveguide', PCT/IL2021/050053, ApplDate: 19/01/2021.
Alina Karabchevsky, Adir Hazan, 'Twisted Waveguide as Polarization Entangled Photon Pair Source', No 63/066,272, ApplDate: 16/08/2020 USA.
Alina Karabchevsky, Elroei David, Vadim Fraifeld, 'Pulsed UVC devices for treatment and prophylaxis of COVID-19', No 63/010,726, ApplDate: 16/04/2020 USA.
Alina Karabchevsky, Moshe Elkabets, 'Cancer Treatment Monitor due to the Scattering-Induced Absorption', No 62/879.473, ApplDate: 28/07/2019 USA.
Alina Karabchevsky, Iospeh Gurewich, 'Structure for a waveguide facet', 11-17362/797,381, ApplDate: 28/01/2019 USA.
Alina Karabchevsky, 'Fabrication of thin and stiff carbon wires by electric field applied on linear carbon chains', No 62/727,010, ApplDate:05/09/2018, USA.
Alina Karabchevsky, 'System and Method for Creating an Invisible Cloack', No 11-155PCT/IL2018/051043, ApplDate: 17/09/2018 PCT.
Alina Karabchevsky, Boris Zabezhinsky, 'Guided Wave Device for Light Manipulation on Fibers', No 62/785,247, ApplDate: 20/12/2018 USA.
Alina Karabchevsky, Boris Zabezhinsky, 'Glass Melting Vessel for Manufacturing of Optical Fiber', No 62/768,919, ApplDate: 18/11/2018 USA.
Alina Karabchevsky, 'Method and device for near-infrared spectroscopy', No 11-14316/312,698, ApplDate: 25/06/2017 USA.
Alina Karabchevsky, 'Method and device for near-infrared spectroscopy', No 11-143PCT/IL2017/050703, ApplDate: 25/06/2017 PCT.
Alina Karabchevsky, 'Method and device for chemiluminescence-based analysis', No 11-142US16/312,821, ApplDate: 25/06/2017 USA.
Alina Karabchevsky, 'Method and device for chemiluminescence-based analysis', No 11-142PCT/IL2017/050701, ApplDate: 25/06/2017 PCT.