
Professor Alina Karabchevsky
Prof. Karabchevsky is the Director of Integrated Photonic Centre and Group leader of the Light-on-a-Chip at the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at BGU and a Visiting Researcher at the Physics Department of Lancaster University. She is leading the Integrated Photonics track.
Email: alinak at bgu dot ac dot il; a.karabchevsky at lancaster dot ac dot uk
Research Fellow

Dr. Aviad Katiyi
Dr Aviad Katityi graduated from Light-on-a-Chip group with MSc and PhD in 2017 and 2021 respectively. Aviad is an expert in guided-wave optics.
His main interests lie in the areas of molecular vibrations with guided-wave optics. His thesis is entitled: 'Optical waveguides for sensing applications'.
Email: akatiyi at gmail dot ac dot com
PhD Students

Mrs. Maya Shor Peled
Maya obtained her BSc in Material Science Engineering in 2017 from the BGU and MSc from Sde Boqer Campus at BGU under the supervision of Dr Avi Niv. In 2020 Maya joined the Light-on-a-Chip group of Photonics and Electro-Optics Engineering at the School of ECE at Ben-Gurion University as a Ph.D. student supervised by Prof. Alina Karabcehvsky. Her thesis entitled: 'Thermo-Optomechanically driven ‘nano-torches' as a new technique for investigating fundamental biological mechanisms via optical tracking'.
Email: shormaya at post dot bgu dot il

Roza Navitskaya obtained her BSc and MSc degrees in Physics from the Belarusian State University in 2018 and 2019 respectively. Her research interests are in laser physics and nonlinear optics. In 2020 Roza joined the Light-on-a-Chip group of Photonics and Electro-Optics Engineering Department at Ben-Gurion University as a Ph.D. student jointly supervised by Ihar Stashkevitch (BSU) and Stanislav Derevyanko (BGU). Her PhD thesis is entitled: "Rogue waves in laser dissipative systems".

Anastasia Novikova received BSc degree in Environmental protection at the Tomsk Polytechnic University in 2014, a master's degree in Biotechnological Engineering at the Tomsk Polytechnic University in 2016. She was awarded with Tomsk University student's award to visit the Light-on-a-Chip group at 2019. at 2020, Anastasia was accepted as a PhD student at School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at BGU. Her research interests are in nanoparticles, sorbents, composite sorbents, water purification, heavy metals, radionuclides. Her thesis is entitled "Optical waveguides for applications in label-free chemical and biological sensors "
Email: furia dot 08 at mail dot ru

Mr. Uzziel Sheintop
Uzziel Sheintop obtained his MSc from Hebrew University of Jerusalem on high-power lasers. Since then, Uzziel worked as Electrooptics engineer in Emmerson company. He joined Light-on-a-Chip group at Ben-Gurion University at 2021 to pursue his PhD studies. His PhD thesis is entitled: 'Development evanescent sensors for detection in gas states'.
Email: Uzziel dot Sheintop at Emmerson dot com

Mr. Fyodor Morozko
Fyodor Morozko obtained his BSc and MSc degrees in Physics from the Belarusian State University in 2018 and 2019 respectively. His research interests are in non-Hermitian and Parity-Time symmetric systems and optics in complex media. In 2020 Fyodor joined the Light-on-a-Chip group of Photonics and Electro-Optics Engineering Department at Ben-Gurion University as a Ph.D. student jointly supervised by Andrey Novitsky (BSU). His PhD thesis is entitled: "Modeling of the spontaneous emission rate and energy transfer in photonic parity-time-symmetric systems".
Email: fyodormorozko95 at gmail dot com
MSc Students

Mr. Ahmad Murad
Ahmad Murad obtained his BSc in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Ben-Gurion University in Beer-Sheva in 2022 and continued with MSc studies. His main interests lie in the areas of on-chip devices, specifically "On-chip weights realization in optical neural networks"
Email: ahmadmur at post dot bgu dot ac dot il

Mr. Shadad Watad
Shadad Watad obtained his BSc in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Ben-Gurion University in Beer-Sheva in 2023 and continued with MSc studies. His main interests lie in the areas of Réservoir computing on a chip.
Email: watads at post dot bgu dot ac dot il

Mr. Shalev Haimovich
Shalev Haimovich obtained his BSc in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Ben-Gurion University in Beer-Sheva in 2024 and continued with MSc studies. His main interests lie in the areas of on-chip devices, specifically "Realization of optical components in a standard bulk - CMOS process"
Email: watads at post dot bgu dot ac dot il

Yoav Yukelson,
Omer Gez,
Elad Elmakias,
Itay Sheetrit,
Shalev Alfasi
Projects are focused on novel devices and device automation and
optimization in fields of Solar energy, Neural networks on a chip,
Spectrosocpy on a chip.